Tuesday, December 1, 2009

James Blunt / All the Lost Souls (2007)

Right, right, I know what you’re thinking... just save it for later. This is just so that I can finish my review of Blunt altogether and come back to him when he manages to put out another record. It is interesting how an artist who produced such a wonderful album only three years previous could present such a blow to the expectations of his audience. Sure it has a few five star songs, but it also has a few fairly mediocre songs (and I’m being generous with “mediocre”). Perhaps the problem arises from having taken so long to get the songs good for the first record that Blunt was just not able to do it for the time constraint. The true test will be with the third album, if it is good then he may live on and if not he will burn out like so many other potential great artists. Maybe I’ve been too harsh, perhaps All the Lost Souls is like a one of Mark Knopfler’s solo records, takes a while but with repeat listening it grows on you, but I highly doubt it.

Rating = Neptune Record


T.R.Z. Oswald

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