Tuesday, December 1, 2009

ZZ Top / Eliminator (1983)

It is good to know that despite all of the other cheesy, glam rock of the 1980’s (or whatever other terms you can find to call it) there was still good, hard rock music being made. Though to be fair it is coming from 1983 which is a quite reasonable year for music, and so as to be expected a quite reasonable album emerges from it. Notable to those who know of ZZ Tops “hits” for “Gimme All Your Lovin”, “Sharp Dressed Man”, and “Legs”. If for nothing else it is an album that should be owned for the sound that is being issued from the guitar at around 1:55 in "Sharp Dressed Man". Though I am sure that in saying this I have doomed the song to heavy searches in both Youtube and Limewire.

Rating = Saturn Record


T.R.Z. Oswald

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